How to buy Cavada(CAVADA)
How to buy cryptocurrency on an exchange
Investing in Cavada(CAVADA)has never been easier! Registering on an exchange, verifying your account, and paying via bank transfer, debit or credit card, paired with a secure cryptocurrency wallet, are the most widely accepted methods of acquiring cryptocurrencies. Here’s a how-to guide on how to buy cryptocurrency on an exchange.
You can register by email or phone number, then set a password and complete the verification to pass the registration.

Step 2: Identity Verification—Submit KYC information to verify your identity
Please verify your identity to ensure full compliance and enhance your experience with complete identity verification. You can go to the identity verification page, fill in your country, upload your ID, and submit your selfie. You will receive a notification and once your ID has been successfully verified, you can start transactions by binding your bank card or credit card.

How to redeem USDT with a credit card and then exchange it into Cavada(CAVADA)
Step1:Click to buy crypto, first select your country, then click Card

Step2:Select my profile in the upper right corner

Step3:Select Add Payment Method in the lower right corner and select the credit card applicable to you to fill in the information and bind it, for example: Wise, Visa, etc.

Step 4: Click P2P Transaction again, select the corresponding payment method and select the appropriate merchant to complete the transaction.

Step 5: After completing the transaction, your amount will be converted into USDT (USDT is a US dollar stable currency, calibrated 1:1 with the US dollar) and stored in the account. That is, click on transaction, search for Cavada (CAVADA), and purchase it. Token.

How to purchase USDT with a savings card and exchange it for Cavada(CAVADA)
Step1:CardClick to buy Crypto and select a card

Step2:Select my profile in the upper right corner

Step3:Select Add Payment Method in the lower right corner, and select the debit card applicable to you to fill in the information and bind it, such as: Payeer, ABA bank, TowerBank, etc..

Step4:Click Trade and find the P2P option, select the corresponding payment method and select the appropriate merchant to complete the transaction.

Step 5: After completing the transaction, your amount will be converted into USDT (USDT is a US dollar stable currency, calibrated 1:1 with the US dollar) and stored in the account. That is, click on transaction, search for Cavada (CAVADA), and purchase it. Token.

Use the quick way to purchase USDT and exchange it for Cavada(CAVADA)
Step1.Click to buy Crypto and select a card

Step2.Enter the amount of Cavada(CAVADA)you want

Step3.Click p2p to purchase

Step 4: Click Transaction, search for Cavada(CAVADA), and purchase its tokens.