What are Foxi Tips(Foxi Tips)?
Foxi enables P2P micropayments directly from profile to profileon Telegram. It also offers users and content creators an opportunity to earn income through tippingFoxi provides users with a daily free budget to spend.
Who founded Foxi Tips(Foxi Tips)?
The creator of Foxi Tips remains anonymous.
What venture capital backs Foxi Tips?
There is currently no information about the venture capital backing behind the token.
How Foxi Tips works
How to join the Foxi Tips community
Here is a step-by-step guide to joining the Foxi Tips community and earning tokens:
1.Join Foxi Tips Bot: Join Foxi Tips Bot on Telegram
2.Start the robot:After joining, click the "Start" button. The bot will guide you through the entire process.
Foxi Tips distribution rules
Foxi is a Micropayments and Tipping platform on Telegram.
Daily Budget:
Get a daily budget to spend entirely by the end of the day!
Tip Usage:
Support amazing Telegram content by tipping creators and encouraging them to keep creating.
Airdrop Rewards:
Both sent and received tips contribute to bigger Foxi airdrop rewards!
Spread the love and make Telegram better, one tip at a time.
Foxi Tips operation tutorial
Step 1: Click to enter the Foxi Tips applet
Step 2: Get your Foxi Tips tokens
Foxi is a tipping bot on Telegram. It gives you a daily budget, and you need to spend it by the end of the day.
Step 3: Share with friends
Tell your friends about Foxi Tips Bot. The more people join, the stronger the community becomes, which may increase the value of the Foxi Tips token.