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Welcome to 1DBGYM - the home training system for maximal muscle mass with just a single detachable dumbbell

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In this tutorial we will talk about:
What are 1DBGYM(1DBGYM)?
Who founded 1DBGYM(1DBGYM)?
What venture capital backs 1DBGYM?
How 1DBGYM works
1DBGYM distribution rules
1DBGYM operation tutorial

What are 1DBGYM(1DBGYM)?

Welcome to One Dumbbell Gym - novel evidence-based home trailning system for maximal muscle growth with the highest return on investment (exclusively on TMA) All you need is floor, a detachable dumbbell (up to 60-80kg) and a chair. That's, basically, your lifetime gym subscription. Invest only 40-60 minutes twice a week with no time

pressures. 1DBGYM provides step-by-step guidance to any level: from notvice to 20+ years of lifting experience.

Detailed exercise (whole body) techniques dernonstrated by video; optimal combination of weight, sets, and reps calculated by smartalgorithms adjust to current client level, statistics, leaderboard, stories with muscnysiology principles explained etc. Literature suggests men can gain 18-22kg muscle verage and women 8-12.

With our science-backed muscle potential index you can find out how much muscle you will gain after 4-6 years of consistent quality training. Ithough building muscle is a top-3 investment itself, you also earn Biscoin foin-app activity and

even TON for inviting friends. Finally, this is a real chance to gain plencle. Don't miss it!

Who founded 1DBGYM(1DBGYM)?

The creator of 1DBGYM remains anonymous.

What venture capital backs 1DBGYM?

There is currently no information about the venture capital backing behind the token.

How 1DBGYM works

How to join the 1DBGYM community

Here is a step-by-step guide to joining the 1DBGYM community and earning tokens:

1.Join 1DBGYM Bot: Join 1DBGYM Bot on Telegram

2.Start the robot:After joining, click the "Start" button. The bot will guide you through the entire process.

1DBGYM distribution rules

Welcome to 1DBGYM - the home training system for maximal muscle mass with just a single detachable dumbbell. Complete tasks, invite friends, become stronger and earn "Biscoin" for all of that!

1DBGYM operation tutorial

Step 1: Click to enter the 1DBGYM applet

Step 2: Get your 1DBGYM tokens

Complete tasks, invite friends, become stronger and earn "Biscoin" for all of that!

Step 3: Share with friends

Tell your friends about 1DBGYM Bot. The more people join, the stronger the community becomes, which may increase the value of the 1DBGYM token.

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