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Coin Crypto New

CoinCrypto - The First Super GameFi on $TON

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In this tutorial we will talk about:
What are Coin Crypto?
Who founded Coin Crypto?
What venture capital backs Coin Crypto?
How Coin Crypto works
Coin Cryptodistribution rules
Coin Cryptooperation tutorial

What are Coin Crypto?

Spin the coins: Try your luck on the slot machines, earn coins and unlock your fortune.Build your village: Use your coins to build and upgrade your village, build your kingdom in different levels.Collect Pets and Rewards: Complete pet sets to earn additional rewards and join a vibrant community to demonstrate your mastery skills.

Spin, raid, build, and invite friends to climb the leaderboards and earn great rewards.

Who founded Coin Crypto?

The creator of Coin Cryptoremains anonymous.

What venture capital backs Coin Crypto?

There is currently no information about the venture capital backing behind the token.

How Coin Crypto works

How to join the Coin Cryptocommunity

Here is a step-by-step guide to joining the Coin Cryptocommunity and earning tokens:

1. Join Coin CryptoBot: Join Coin CryptoBot on Telegram

2. Start the robot:After joining, click the "Start" button. The bot will guide you through the entire process.

Coin Cryptodistribution rules

Start earning coins by spinning slots. Every spin is the key to your wealth, try your luck and watch the coins roll in and use your hard-earned coins to build and upgrade your village, the higher the village level, the more tokens there are.

Coin Cryptooperation tutorial

Step 1: Click to enter the Coin Cryptoapplet

C:/Users/zxyhu/Pictures/Screenshots/屏幕截图 2024-07-29 093255.png屏幕截图 2024-07-29 093255

Step 2: Get your Coin Cryptotokens

Start earning coins by spinning slots. Every spin is the key to your wealth, try your luck and watch the coins roll in and use your hard-earned coins to build and upgrade your village, the higher the village level, the more tokens there are.

C:/Users/zxyhu/Pictures/Screenshots/屏幕截图 2024-07-29 093445.png屏幕截图 2024-07-29 093445C:/Users/zxyhu/Pictures/Screenshots/屏幕截图 2024-07-29 093504.png屏幕截图 2024-07-29 093504

Step 3: Share with friends

Invite your friends to play Coin Crypto, let's play Coin Crypto together, the more people join, the stronger the community, which may increase the value of Coin Crypto tokens.

CoinMapAi is your gateway to the Web 3 world, serving as a guide to help you quickly familiarize yourself with and enter the world of cryptocurrency.

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Up to 50% Rebate
Up to 50% Rebate
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