What are Hipo Finance?
At Hipo, you can stake any amount of TON and gain more than just staking rewards:1. Acquire hTON, usable across TON DeFi.2. Earn $HPO, our governance token, as an incentive for your contributions.
Who founded Hipo Finance?
The creator of Hipo Financeremains anonymous.
What venture capital backs Hipo Finance?
There is currently no information about the venture capital backing behind the token.
How Hipo Finance works
How to join the Hipo Financecommunity
Here is a step-by-step guide to joining the Hipo Financecommunity and earning tokens:
1. Join Hipo FinanceBot: Join Hipo FinanceBot on Telegram
2. Start the robot:After joining, click the "Start" button. The bot will guide you through the entire process.
Hipo Finance distribution rules
This is a staking platform, and when you make a successful bet you can get rewards, and you can earn up to 5% APY by using him.
Hipo Finance operation tutorial
Step 1: Click to enter the Hipo Financeapplet
Step 2: Get your Hipo Financetokens
This is a staking platform, and when you make a successful bet you can get rewards, and you can earn up to 5% APY by using him.
Step 3: Share with friends
Invite friends to use Clicker VWS as a platform, let's use Clicker VWS together, the more people join, the stronger the community will be, which may increase the value of Clicker VWS tokens.