What are telespeakbot(telespeakbot)?
@Telespeakbot is an AI Language Tutor: talk with it as you would with a real teacher.
Who founded telespeakbot(telespeakbot)?
The creator of telespeakbot remains anonymous.
What venture capital backs telespeakbot?
There is currently no information about the venture capital backing behind the token.
How telespeakbot works
How to join the telespeakbot community
Here is a step-by-step guide to joining the telespeakbot community and earning tokens:
1.Join telespeakbot Bot: Join telespeakbot Bot on Telegram
2.Start the robot:After joining, click the "Start" button. The bot will guide you through the entire process.
telespeakbot distribution rules
This is an artificial intelligence language tutor: talking to it is like talking to a real teacher. Click to enter the platform, click to start and it will pop up your language. Select the language you need. Here you can learn English. Click to select English and it will let you choose your current level. Click your own level to start learning. It will tell you some grammar, etc.
telespeakbot operation tutorial
Step 1: Click to enter the telespeakbot applet
Step 2: Get your telespeakbot tokens
Click to enter the platform, click to start and it will pop up your language, select the language you need, here you can learn English, click to select English and it will let you choose your current level, click your own level to start learning, it will tell you some grammar, etc.
Step 3: Share with friends
Tell your friends about telespeakbot Bot. The more people join, the stronger the community becomes, which may increase the value of the telespeakbot token.