Cortex is an open-source, peer-to-peer, decentralized blockchain platform that supports Artificial Intelligence (AI) models to be uploaded and executed on the distributed network. Cortex provides an open-source AI platform to achieve AI democratization where models can be integrated easily in smart contracts and create AI-enable decentralized applications (DApps).
How to Buy CTXC on an Exchange
Step 1: Choose a Reputable Exchange Platform
Select a trusted platform from among many available options for purchasing CTXC. Some reputable platforms include LBNK, Okx, Kraken, and others.
Step 2: Register an Account
Here, we'll register an account on the OKX (registration link) trading platform. You may need to provide personal information such as phone number and email to complete the registration process.
Step 3: Complete Identity Verification
For security purposes, some platforms may require you to complete identity verification. Follow the platform's instructions to provide necessary identity information (such as country/ID number) and undergo facial recognition. Once your identity is confirmed, you'll receive notification.
Step 4: Link Bank or Payment Method
Link your bank account or other payment methods to the exchange platform for making payments when purchasing CTXC.
Step 5: Purchase CTXC
Find the option to buy coins on the exchange platform, choose the C2C coin purchase process, and then input the quantity of CTXC you wish to purchase. Typically, you'll choose to buy USDT first and select your preferred payment method. Simply place the order, make the payment to the seller, and you'll receive the cryptocurrency. Once payment is complete, you can use your exchange assets to buy CTXC.
Step 6: Store Your CTXC
After purchasing, you can choose to store your CTXC in the digital wallet provided by the exchange platform or transfer it to a hardware wallet under your control.
Step 7: Security Reminder
To protect your exchange account and CTXC assets, be sure to use a strong password and enable two-factor authentication.
CTXC Price:Cortex is an open-source, peer-to-peer, decentralized blockchain platform that supports Artificial Intelligence (AI) models to be uploaded and executed on the distributed network. The price fluctuates daily, and as of March 30, 2024, the highest price for CTXC was $2.41.
Recommended Similar Coins: LEET, GENO
Recommended Exchanges for Trading: LBNK、Okx、Kraken